What's the Difference Between Kava vs Kratom vs Coffee?

Posted by Granite Coffee on 21st Aug 2023

What's the Difference Between Kava vs Kratom vs Coffee?

According to a recent poll, 34% of American adults are trying to drink less alcohol in 2023. Meanwhile, 28% of people want to stop drinking altogether. Are you among these groups?

If so, you may be looking for an alternative to your favorite alcoholic beverage. Kava, kratom, and coffee are natural substances that have much in common with alcohol.

You can try all three of these beverages at a 'coffee shop near me.' But which one should you try first? The answer to this question comes down to personal preference.

Are you wondering about the difference between coffee, kava, and kratom? Want to know which natural remedy is best for your lifestyle? Keep reading for the answers to these questions and more.

What Is Kava?

Kava is a traditional beverage consumed across islands of the South Pacific. It comes from a plant known as Piper methysticum. People harvest this shrub's roots and grind it into a powder.

Once in powder form, kava may be added to capsules, extracts, or drops. Some people buy it in powder form and add it to foods or beverages. But most commonly, it comes as a coffee-colored drink called kava tea.

Kava is known for its bitter taste. In fact, the word "kava" comes from a Pacific Island word for "bitter root." It can have a more pleasant earthy or spicy flavor in some preparations.

To really improve the flavor, consider adding kava to a sweet juice. Many companies sell flavored kava products, too, to make the experience more enjoyable.

Traditionally, people consumed kava during religious ceremonies to promote relaxation. Modern research has verified this effect. Kava may help with anxiety, sleeplessness, restlessness, and even muscle spasms.

These benefits are explained by kava's sedating effects. Its active ingredients, kavalactones, affect inhibitory circuits in the brain, which help to promote relaxation and sleep. It also boosts dopamine, the feel-good substance in the brain.

People who drink kava report feeling happier and more relaxed. Some may consume kava before bed to promote sleepiness. When consumed in large amounts, it can have negative side effects, so moderation is key.

One of the most common side effects people report is a numb or tingly tongue. If you experience this during your first time drinking kava, don't stress. The symptoms will go away after a short while.

Another thing to remember is that kava is traditionally consumed on an empty stomach. That way, the effects are the most robust.

What Is Kratom?

Kratom is a natural substance derived from the Mitragyna speciosa tree. This tree originates from Southeast Asia. People in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea have used kratom for centuries.

Why? Kratom contains bioactive alkaloids that have various effects on the body, depending on the strain and the dose.

For example, some strains feature pain-relieving and sedative-like effects not dissimilar to opioids. Larger doses of any kratom strain may also offer these benefits.

Other strains feature stimulant-like effects. They can increase energy and alertness. Smaller doses of any kratom strain may also provide a stimulating benefit.

The stimulating and sedating effects of kratom primarily come from the bioactive alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. Mitragynine is present in kratom, and it turns into 7-hydroxymitragynine in the human body.

Historically, Southeast Asian people consumed kratom for its stimulating effects. Legend has it that laborers used this substance similarly to how we use coffee today. Other reported benefits include pain relief, anxiolytic effects, and mood elevation.

Kratom typically comes in a powdered form. The powder begins as the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree. Once harvested, kratom leaves are cured, dried, and crushed into a fine powder.

Traditionally, people would swallow this powder dry or mix it into a shot of water. Today, you can also find kratom inside oral capsules for convenient dosing.

You can also try mixing kratom powder into food or beverages. For those who want to try it in its most natural state, try a kratom tea brewed from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree.

What Is Coffee?

The question, 'What is coffee?' may seem like a no-brainer to some. After all, nearly 75% of Americans report drinking coffee every single day. Whether you call it your morning pick-me-up or a cup of joe, coffee is universally known.

But what is coffee really?

What many people may not realize is that coffee comes from nature. Specifically, it comes from the berries of the coffee tree (Coffea arabica). Also known as coffee cherries, these small fruits look like tiny green beans.

Once harvested, roasteries take the green coffee beans and apply heat. Heat turns the bitter flavors into something more recognizable. The longer they roast, the darker in color the coffee beans become, too.

Roasting green beans also increases the caffeine content naturally present in coffee tree cherries. Some roasteries extract caffeine to produce decaf coffee beans. But most leave it as-is.

Without caffeine, coffee still has an earthy, nutty, and sometimes fruity flavor. It doesn't affect the flavor at all. What caffeine does do is add in the "kick" coffee is known for.

Caffeine is a stimulant. Stimulants are substances that increase the activity in the brain. They can make you feel less fatigued, more focused and alert, and energized throughout the day.

Experts agree that a little bit of caffeine, especially that found in coffee, can be beneficial to your health. But too much can cause unwanted side effects, such as dehydration, headaches, irritability, trouble sleeping, and even addiction.

That's why you should always limit yourself to around 400mg of caffeine per day. A cup of coffee has up to 120mg of caffeine, so try to keep your consumption at around three cups per day.

Kava vs Kratom vs Coffee

Now that you understand what kava, kratom, and coffee are, let's compare and contrast these substances. Below, we explain the differences between kava vs coffee, coffee vs kratom, and kratom vs kava.

Kava vs Coffee

Kava and coffee share much in common. They both come from nature and have been around for centuries. People often brew them into a daily drink to benefit their health, too.

At the same time, kava and coffee are extremely different. There are three main things that distinguish one from the other. These differences are why people drink them, when to drink them, and how to drink them.

So, why do people drink cava vs coffee? It all comes down to the active ingredients in each beverage. Namely, coffee contains caffeine, and kava contains kavalactones.

The primary goal of consuming caffeine is to feel energized. Kavalactones are different. These chemicals provide a relaxing effect, making kava more similar to alcohol than coffee.

These differing active ingredients also explain the next major difference: when people drink kava vs coffee. Coffee is traditionally consumed in the morning. Often, people use the drink to focus and get work done.

Kava drinkers, on the other hand, use this beverage for socialization. Historically, cultures consumed kava to ward off bad spirits and promote feelings of community. Again, kava is more similar to alcohol in this way.

Finally, while coffee and kava are both beverages, people ingest them in distinct ways. Coffee always comes in drink form. But kava can be consumed in food or as a capsule, extract, or tincture.

Even when people do drink kava, they go about it differently than coffee drinkers. Coffee is typically consumed hot or cold with baked goods like muffins, cinnamon rolls, or the aptly named coffee cake.

Meanwhile, people traditionally drink kava on an empty stomach. Kava is also a cold beverage. Adding kava to hot liquids can destroy the active ingredients, reducing the benefits of its kavalactones.

Coffee vs Kratom

Like kava and coffee, coffee and kratom share a few commonalities. They can offer mental clarity and stimulation due to their active ingredients. People may also consume coffee and kratom similarly: as hot, bitter beverages.

Coffee and kratom also come from plants and, more specifically, trees. Kratom comes from the Mitragyna speciosa tree, while coffee comes from coffee trees, also known as Coffea arabica.

These two trees are even related. They are both members of the Rubiaceae family of flowering plants.

However, kratom and coffee differ widely in the number of varieties available. Most people only drink coffee from the Coffea arabica tree and, rarely, the Coffea canephora tree, which produces Robusta coffee.

With kratom, you can access three different strains, each of which includes an array of varieties. The three most common kratom strains are white, green, and red vein kratom.

Unlike coffee, each of the varieties offers unique benefits. Some are sedatives in larger doses, which is in direct contrast to coffee's stimulant-only effects.

Additionally, like kava, kratom comes in a range of products. Though you can drink kratom tea, this substance is more commonly consumed in powder form. You can also buy it in capsules, extracts, and even gummies.

Another significant difference between coffee and kratom is potency. Kratom tends to be far more potent than coffee, peaking at around two hours after ingestion and lasting up to eight hours.

Coffee lasts comparatively shorter. Most people only feel the effects of the caffeine in coffee for up to six hours. Of course, consuming more coffee throughout the day can make its stimulating benefits.

Lastly, these substances have different legal statuses. Coffee is legal to drink throughout the United States and the rest of the world. Meanwhile, some countries and US states have banned the use of kratom.

Kratom vs Kava

Last but not least, let's compare and contrast kratom and kava. These substances both have deep roots in the cultures they originate from, having been used medically and spiritually for centuries if not millennia.

But that's about where the similarities end. These two substances come from plants in different families. They even come from different parts of the plant, as kava comes from a shrub's roots and kratom from a tree's leaves.

They also produce dissimilar effects. Kava is a sedative only, but kratom is a sedative or stimulant at different doses. These distinctions come from their active ingredients.

Mitragynine explains kratom's sedating and stimulating effects. It turns into 7-hydroxymitragynine, which acts on opioid, adrenergic, and serotonin receptors in the brain and body.

Kava gets its purely sedating benefits from kavalactones. This active ingredient influences GABA receptors in the brain and body. These receptors do not have the same effects as the ones kratom acts on.

Kratom's ability to affect opioid receptors explains its potential for addiction. People who want to use kratom should always consume it in moderation to reduce the risk. Also, avoid combining kratom with other potentially addictive substances to prevent negative side effects.

Research has never found the potential for addiction from drinking kava alone. This may explain kava vs kratom's differing legal statuses. Kava is legal in the United States and across the globe, but kratom is illegal in some areas.

Are Coffee, Kratom, and Kava Safe to Consume Together?

Yes, you can safely consume some of these beverages together. For example, many people add kratom powder to their coffee to create a concoction known as kratom coffee.

However, you should always be careful when combining different active ingredients together. That's why we recommend trying each of these substances on their own first.

Once you build up a tolerance, you may safely combine coffee and kratom, kratom and kava, or kava and coffee together.

Try Coffee, Kratom, and Kava at a Coffee Shop Near Me

Kava, kratom, and coffee are three naturally-derived substances you can drink. They each offer unique benefits, depending on the state of mind drinkers want to achieve.

Coffee offers uplifting, energizing effects. Kava provides a relaxing experience. Kratom combines both benefits, acting as a stimulant in small doses and a sedative in smaller ones.

Searching for a 'coffee shop near me' that offers these natural beverages? Granite Coffee, Tea, and Supplements offers coffee, kratom, and kava in-store and online. Shop online or stop by one of our locations today!